Few days ago a accepted an interview from an other blog I think bigger than mine :-)
Here the interview:
What is your name?
Where are you from (country or state)?
Italy but I live in France.
How old are you?
What is the name of your blog?
Hotel MariaCarla
How would you describe yourself?
Peter pan, changeable, nervous and living in my own world
How would you describe your style?
funny but not too much, crazy but not too much , editorial, mixing really expensive with really cheap, a mix of women's and men's clothes without being androgynous, the craziest thing is that I look more androgynous when I wear only men clothes and less when I mix both.
How has your style changed along the years?
I tried all the styles, and I also had periods with no style at all and with no fabulous clothes to wear, when I was working in fashion I was sick of wearing clothes. I understood that I prefer to wear fashion than do it.
Is it hard being a guy who loves fashion? If so, in what ways?
It is not if you don't care about people judgement. But of course guys have more bad comments than girls
when they are fashionable, the only way to be fashionable for a guy and not be judged is to follow exactly the trends without pushing them, and that's not creative.
Who are your fashion icons?
I don't have a particular one, I'm not a good fan he he. It might be even somebody from lookbook and I can stop loving it the week after I get tired really soon of something. I have favorite fashion designers though like riccardo Tisci or Nicolas Ghesquiere or Alber Elbaz.
Where are your favorite places to shop?

I used to prefer multi brand shops but now I do my shopping on the net I thing it takes less time and you can find a lots of precious little brands that you did not know and that you cannot buy in your city or country. I love to have things I don't like to do shopping so I don't miss the all shopping rituals when you go shopping in stores.
What makes you so interested in fashion?
I think my mother is the cause. She always did her shopping with me and asked me to style her up every morning since I was very young ( like 8 years old) and she used to buy and wear what i choose for her and it was so powerful for a kid to decide things for an adult. I always asked for clothes she never bought me something I did not like.
What are your other interests or hobbies?
My first passion is classical music, I'm a singer. I like to draw i like contemporary art and I have a passion for Japanese culture.
What are your favorite music artists, songs, or genre to listen to?
Classical music as I said and my favorite classical music is baroque, favorite composers Vivaldi and Haendel.
What does music mean to you?
Everything, is my job and my life and I feel so lucky to have the possibility to do what I like.
Are you a lover of photography?
I like photos but I'm not an expert. I think that fashion photographs are just selling a product and I don't feel emotions when I look a fashion editorial or a campaign the only thing i look at is how they managed to magnify the clothes in the picture. Art photography is such a different thing , most of the times is not aesthetic but is so beautiful at the same time like Nan Golding's photos, this kind of pictures make me feel something.
What event in your life has had the most impact on you?
A surgery when I was 13. I think my life would be so different without that surgery , is crazy to say this but I like so much my life that I'm almost happy that that happened.
What is your faith?
You mean religion? I'm catholic but I never go to church ( yes sometimes for concerts ) but never for ceremonies. I think I like to believe that there something above mankind but I'm ashamed of it I don't like to admit it. When I'm in a really bad situation and I don't feel strong enough I use to pray to something or somebody I don't know how to call.
What is the best advice you have ever received?
I don't know I always do what I want and I never ask for advices for important things.
What advice would you give someone?
I often give fashion advices but it depends of the person I have in front of me. I give singing advices. I give advices how to feel better with yourself but is always painful I don't like it, but I still do.
Who or what is your greatest inspiration?
My dreams and nightmares.
What are a few of your favorite quotes?
I real friend is the one who's happy about your success. O. Wilde and " le luxe n'est pas locontraire de la pauvreté , mais celui de la vulgarité "Coco chanel and "Chi fa da se fa per tre" Italian folk's quote
Anything else you want us to know?
I love macarons cup cakes cheesecakes , foi gras, unagi sushi and pizza. I come from romeo and Juliet' city.I have a cat named Paco. I'm buying my first apartment. I don't like to get old. lol I think that the secret for perfect skin is classic Nivea cream. I don't understand politic. I think fashion is farther and farther from people, in the 80's they was more interested and informed about fashion now some people don't even know Balenciaga or Lanvin. I hope you will understand my English, I'm a really bad writer.
Where else can we find you (via twitter, facebook, lookbook, etc.)?
Facebook ( ruben Bissoli ), twitter ( rubenparis83),
blog, and lookbook ( Ruben Bissoli)